
Adorable Sleeping Baby Dreamscapes

It might be a stretch to file this under bedroom designs, but we are going to go ahead and do it anyway. California artist and mother Queenie Liao has always found inspiration in her surroundings. With the birth of her first son, Wengenn, she turned even more inward for her art. Rather than go out into the world to explore her photography, she began to explore her own dreams and fairytales and then created imaginative and gorgeous dreamscapes for her slumbering son. Take a look at these incredible photos and we dare you not to be inspired.
baby reaches for the stars1 |
baby piano player2 |
castle on a cloud3 |
baby trapeze artist4 |
Some of the fairytales are more obvious and literal than others. Here, a sleeping Wengenn becomes his own Gulliver, traveling through his dreams at home.5 |Some of the fairytales are more obvious and literal than others. Here, a sleeping Wengenn becomes his own Gulliver, traveling through his dreams at home. 
baby tarzan7 |
baby with bunny8 |
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baby as flower9 |
baby as a mouse10 |
baby on a broomstick11 |
baby snake charmer12 |
We're perhaps offered a peek into the future in this romantic scene with Wengenn as his own prince charming.13 |We’re perhaps offered a peek into the future in this romantic scene with Wengenn as his own prince charming. 
baby toy soldier14 |
baby interviews obama15 |
It's not difficult to see that Liao has taken a good deal of inspiration from the baby photographers before her, including Anne Geddes.16 |It’s not difficult to see that Liao has taken a good deal of inspiration from the baby photographers before her, including Anne Geddes. 
spooky baby ghost17 |
baby in a claw machine18 |
baby nesting dolls19 |
baby as a lion20 |
baby and birdcage21 |
baby with books22 |
baby carousel23 |
New stories come to Liao all the time, sometimes in the form of the storytellers themselves.24 |New stories come to Liao all the time, sometimes in the form of the storytellers themselves.

